Slow Muse: Our American Hamlet: Masterful performances by Jacob Fishel, Will Lyman, and Joe Fria

This skin-rubbed-raw state is a vulnerability that can also increase receptivity in a good way. Given my interest in art that explores the liminality between the political and the personal, I was engaged by a new play, Our American… Read More

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WBUR The ARTery: Ghosts Of Lincoln And Shakespeare Haunt ‘Our American Hamlet’ In CSC Production

The production boasts a series of fine performances, and its mixture of various theatrical devices proves transporting. But I found myself much more interested in Edwin’s story, with its details of the world of 19th-century American theater, than… Read More

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Metrowest Daily News: Family tragedy plays out in CSC’s ‘Our American Hamlet’

Give me a good historical drama any day – I love it when a play grips us with great storytelling and teaches us something new. Such a play is “Our American Hamlet,” a new drama by Jake Broder… Read More

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TheaterMania: Love’s Labour’s Lost Review

This year’s choice for the annual Shakespearean outdoor production on the Boston Common could not be better suited to its surroundings. A large audience, seated on chairs or blankets spread out on the vast lawn, was treated to… Read More

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The Boston Globe: Love’s Labour’s Lost Review

Words pour out in such dazzling profusion throughout “Love’s Labour’s Lost,’’ an early comedy, that Shakespeare’s untrammeled joy in language is abundantly evident.    

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The Boston Globe: An Uncommon Shakespeare Comedy for the Common

“The women have this control over how much they want to be wooed, or not. The idea of wit and the ability to use your words is really revered in this play, and there’s something about how the… Read More

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The Boston Musical Intelligencer: “A Most Rare Vision” in Esplanade Dream

The production was a meticulously constructed and finely acted evening of theater that married pragmatism to conviction and ambition to enchanting effect.-The Boston Musical Intelligencer, Kate Stringer

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The Boston Globe: In ‘Lear’, Lyman is the King of Boston Common

Lyman is starring as Lear in a milestone production for Commonwealth Shakespeare Company: This is the 20th year the company has given free performances of a Shakespeare play on Boston Common, which typically draw tens of thousands of… Read More

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WBUR The ARTery: King Lear Review

King Lear” is kicking up a storm on Boston Common (through Aug. 9). And what a storm it is, replete with claps of thunder, wind cranked from giant fans, swamps of fog and arching streams of water that… Read More

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Joyce’s Choices: King Lear Review

It was a sweltering night when I saw Commonwealth Shakespeare Company’s latest FREE Shakespeare on the Common, but so absorbing and mighty was Will Lyman’s performance as KING LEAR that I hardly noticed the elements, save for the storm onstage, an… Read More

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