

During the pandemic In lieu of our regular spring Stage2 Student Matinees CSC produced #Stage2School, a FREE series of videos to support teachers’ Shakespeare curriculum in the classroom. The series includes rehearsals of selected scenes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth, with a lesson packet with corresponding learning prompts for each play. Students and teachers have the opportunity to see Shakespeare’s text come to life and learn how actors translate the written text into action.

This series is led by Associate Artistic Director Bryn Boice, and features CSC actors Duncan Gallagher, Jessica Golden, Alicia Hartz and Billie Wyatt. The videos are each 29-38 minutes in length and are geared toward grades 6-12. Speech-to-text captioning is available for all videos. (We are equipped to respond to disability-related accommodation requests. Please get in touch with us at education@commshakes.org with any questions.)

Videos include:

  • Video One: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (29 Minutes)
    • Titania and Oberon: Act II, Scene 1
    • Helena and Demetrius: Act II, Scene 1
  • Video Two: Romeo and Juliet (35 Minutes)
    • Romeo and Juliet: Act II, Scene 2
    • Juliet and Nurse: Act II, Scene 5
  • Video Three: Macbeth (38 Minutes)
    • Macbeth and Banquo: Act I, Scene 3
    • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth: Act I, Scene 7

To gain access to these free videos and lesson packets, please fill out the information at the link below. 


In addition to these video lessons, CSC is offering live in person and/or virtual Zoom workshops with our teaching artists and actors. Many of these workshops are designed to complement our 2023 Stage2 Student Matinee Series of Romeo & Juliet, playing May 11-19



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