Board of Directors

Board of Trustees

David Friedman, Chair

Joan Moynagh, Secretary

Terry Regan, Treasurer

Christy Cashman

Rob Hagan

Kerry Healey

Irwin Heller

Steven Maler

Mary Dockray-Miller

Scott Oran

Susan Poduska

Board of Advisors

Ameek Ashok Ponda, Chair

Eric Belsley

Chris Ferraro

Ernst Guerrier

Dennis Hong

Kim Janey

Bethany Jewell

David Jones

Tivon Marcus

Michael McCormack

Natalie McKnight

Paul Nickelsberg

George Raine

Allison Ryder

Bryan Simmons

Stephen Kennedy Smith

Moushmi Soleja

Jessica Stokes

Madeline Wang

Janet Wu

Featured Photo: Founding Artistic Director, Steven Maler and Co-Founder and Trustee, Joan Moynagh

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