
In celebration of Shakespeare’s birthday and the 400th anniversary of the printing of the First Folio, Commonwealth Shakespeare Company is ready to PARTY. What better way to celebrate the Birthday Bard himself than a week-long GAME? Below you’ll find a special #BirthdayBardBingo Card with Shakespeare-related activities you can do around the city or in your own home! 

  1. Complete five activities from the list below!
  2. Post pictures of each activity with #BirthdayBardBingo and Tag @CommShakes
  3. You’ll receive a discount code for tickets to May’s Romeo and Juliet and a free chair rental for Macbeth this summer!


#BirthdayBardBingo Card

  • Make your own #LetMeCountTheWays video about why you love Shakespeare
  • Visit the Shakespeare Statue in Chinatown (15 Beach St, Boston)
  • See a live Shakespeare Play
  • Recite and film your favorite line from Shakespeare
  • Make a donation of $15.64 (Shakespeare’s Birth Year) to support free Shakespeare on the Common
  • Sign up for CSC’s email list on our Homepage
  • Share your favorite Shakespeare Sonnet


You have until Midnight on Shakespeare’s birthday, April 23rd, to complete and post your activities with #BirthdayBardBingo and tagging @CommShakes! 

Are you up to the challenge? 

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